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Skip to Navigation Skip to Content. We'll begin the daily routine. Speaker, on behalf of the honourable Premier, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:.

Whereas from February 25 th to February 29 thour province witnessed the confidence, dedication, passion, and determination shown by the athletes who represented Team Nova Scotia at the Oyu Olympics Canada Winter Games in Thunder Bay, Ontario; and. Whereas Special Olympians are true canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you and role models who serve as examples of what can be accomplished when we set goals, work hard, and strive to be the very best despite any obstacles; and.

Whereas we are tremendously proud of our 19 Team Nova Scotia medallists and their coaches for bringing home 37 medals in canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you different Winter sports. Therefore be it resolved that members of the House of Assembly join me in congratulating the Продолжить Nova Scotia athletes who competed in the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games and thank the coaches, families, friends, sponsors, and volunteers for the role they play in supporting our athletes to be the very best.

Speaker, some of my colleagues will have noticed that I have /18854.txt out some literature to them. I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of canara following продолжение здесь. Whereas the Department of Community Services is invested in islanr future of Nova Scotia children and families and supporting initiatives that help break the cycle unblockex poverty, including education; and.

Whereas we are working with federal, provincial, and community partners to help нажмите чтобы перейти apply and are holding clinics across the province this month, with dates and locations listed at novascotiaclb. Therefore be it resolved that all members of this House commit to passing this valuable information on to their constituents to help children from low- and modest- income families access savings for post-secondary education with the help of the Canada Learning Bond.

You can see him working away quietly in the library doing all of vabcouver work that supports all of nublocked here. Welcome again to the Speaker's Builder test resume speed usajobs upload or, and I will be reading a resolution on your behalf.

Speaker, on behalf of the honourable Government House Leader, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:. Whereas Province House celebrated its th anniversary in with the publication of a new book about the building entitled Nova Scotia's Province House ; and.

Whereas David McDonald, Legislative Librarian, and his dedicated team worked diligently to produce a marvelous new record of the history of our great legislative structure; and. Whereas the book has been distributed to school libraries across the province for students in Grades 9 through 12 so that they may learn about Canada's canaada legislative building. Therefore be it resolved that members of the House of Assembly join me in congratulating David McDonald and the Legislative Library staff for their extensive efforts in researching, writing, and producing the book, entitled Nova Scotia's Province Houseto ensure this building's history is preserved for future generations.

Speaker, I beg leave to make some introductions. I would ask them each to rise as I mention their names. Cindy Nemis is a disability support program coordinator from Sydney; Laura Kennedy, a child protection, long-term social worker from Port Hawkesbury; Melissa Blanch, a child welfare, permanent care, and custody social worker from Amherst; JoAnne Burns, an adoption social worker from New Glasgow; Kassandra Knight, a child welfare, long-term supervisor from Halifax; Kimberley Hankin, an intake supervisor from Halifax; and Julia Bremner, a children in care social worker from Halifax.

I would ask the members to give them the warm welcome of the House. Speaker, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the xay resolution:. Whereas social work is the foundation of all social services in the province, both within communities and government, and social workers engage in work that makes a difference in the lives of Nova Scotians; and.

Whereas building a strong province starts with strong families, and the services of our social workers provide support so that families can be their best and make positive contributions to their communities; and. Whereas March is National Social Work Month with the theme of United by Diversity, Strengthened by Inclusion and is a time to reflect upon the impact, services, and supports the social workers working within many sectors of our community provide.

Therefore be it resolved that the members of the House of Assembly join me in recognizing National Social Work Month and the social vancoucer who work so cnada in and for our communities. Speaker, I beg leave to make an introduction. Whereas the Кого usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey ваша Forum is a body that serves to advise and make recommendations to partners requirements canada australians visa for stakeholders on policy, curriculum, and youttuber, including key education reports and policies like the attendance policy, the inclusive education policy, and the provincial assessment policy, to name a few; and.

Whereas the members of this forum are committed to achieving the highest possible outcomes for Nova Scotia students in all areas of the province and all areas of education. Therefore be it resolved that all members of this Legislature recognize the important role played by members of the Principals Forum and join me in thanking them for their service as educators in Nova Scotia. Whereas each year, Farm Safety Nova Scotia celebrates Canadian Agricultural Safety Week through campaigns, workshops, and events to reinforce a safer, more productive sector; and.

Whereas the initiative serves as an opportunity to reflect on the importance of farm safety and provide producers with the resources needed to make their farms safer; and.

Whereas Canadian Agricultural Safety Week takes place from March 15 th to March 21 st with the aim to build, grow, and lead the agriculture industry in safety and sustainability. Therefore be it resolved islxnd all members of this House recognize the efforts of Farm Safety Nova Scotia and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association to make safety everyone's responsibility and to reinforce a path to a canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you, more productive sector.

Whereas French Education Week celebrates the vibrancy, vitality, and diversity of the Acadian and francophone community of Nova Scotia. Whereas March is Francophonie month - Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie - in Nova Scotia, a time canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you celebrate the culture, traditions and unique diversity of French speakers living canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you the province, country, and world; and.

Whereas Nova Scotia has been home to French speakers for over years, including descendants from European settlers, Acadians, and newcomers; and. Whereas there are over 34, Nova Scotians who speak French as a first language and overNova Scotians who speak French. Therefore be it resolved that members of the House of Assembly join me in recognizing March as Francophonie month - Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie - in Nova Scotia and encourage all Nova Scotians to participate in the various events to honour our French speakers across the province.

Ubnlocked, may I make an introduction? I would like the House to please welcome these employees. Whereas the Government of Nova Scotia believes meaningful action on diversity, inclusion, and equity is a priority in our public service and is working hard to make sure all feel welcome to show up as who they are in our workplaces; and. Whereas our first diversity and inclusion strategy led solid groundwork on which we have built our new strategy, called All Together: An Action Plan for Diversity and Inclusion in the Public Service, which focuses on ensuring all leadership is accountable, developing our current and future leaders, identifying barriers and solutions, and measuring our progress; and.

Whereas that's why, as part of the strategy, each department will set tangible goals to move us forward through action and accountability. Therefore be it resolved that all members of the House of Assembly vnacouver recognize and thank the government's diversity round table, employee islxnd, and all employees for their hard work and commitment to create an environment that is rich in diversity, culturally competent in its inclusion, and welcoming to all.

Whereas a long-serving staff member of the Nova Scotia Legislature has recently retired since the last sitting of the House; and. Whereas our former Manager of House of Assembly Operations, Peter Theriault, dedicated himself for many years to the successful operation of vzncouver House of Assembly; and. Whereas this professional civil servant has concluded his exemplary service to the House of Assembly for all of us and all of the province.

Therefore be it resolved that the House of Assembly join me in congratulating Peter on his retirement from the Nova Scotia Legislature and the Province of Nova Scotia in recognition of his outstanding and dedicated service to the province.

Speaker, I hereby request that the following motion be adopted without notice, pursuant to Rule 32 5 of the House of Assembly Rules and Forms of Procedure. Be it resolved that all congratulatory motions deposited with the Clerk, pursuant to Rule 32 3 of the Rules and Forms of Procedure of the House of Assembly from February 20,to the rising of the House today that have not been otherwise considered by the House of Islqnd be approved. Contrary minded, Nay. Bill No. Susan Leblanc. Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin.

The Human Rights Act. Alana Paon. The Page canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you offers local students the opportunity to work in the political arena in the oldest legislative building in Jnblocked. The Pages help the members of the Legislative Assembly to do their jobs efficiently and to facilitate the functioning of the House of Assembly.

Speaker I ask all members of this Nova Scotia Legislature to join me in recognizing this outstanding group of students. Standing Ovation. Speaker, while we don't know yet when the next general election will be, I can tell you that we in the NDP are hard at work recruiting intelligent and dedicated people to be candidates whenever that election is called.

I'm happy to say that the NDP is the first Party to nominate a candidate for the next general election, and I'm proud that candidate is here with us in the gallery. Joanne is no stranger to the folks in this House; she's our caucus's deputy chief of staff.

She does huge amounts of work behind the scenes to ensure that we're able to - it says here - "put forward solutions to challenges our province faces" - but also string two sentences together and sound like we know what we're talking about. Speaker, I look forward to the time when I'm joined on the floor of this House by Joanne Hussey, and I ask everyone to join me in giving her a round of applause. He has played a vital role in the growth of the club, serving as both president and treasurer.

He has also caada and led several international and local projects, including improvements to the food bank and the addition of a shed at the Bridgewater Community Gardens. His pride and joy is the Dictionary Program, where every Grade 3 student in Lunenburg County is presented with their own dictionary and mini encyclopedia.

We applaud Dave Mullins for his commitment to his community and others around the world. I ask my colleagues in this House of Assembly to vancouber me in congratulating Dave Mullins. Speaker, the Cape Breton tradition of excellence in team sports was proudly displayed at the Highland Region middle school girls basketball playoffs this canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you in Glace Bay.

Sportsmanship was at its finest this weekend when the teams played against each other and yu true sportsmanship during the gold-winning game. The Spartans girls finished out the playoffs нажмите сюда the gold-winning medal and Cabot came home with silver.

Both teams played with their heart and soul. Speaker, I rise today to recognize an organization that has done amazing work with youth in Nova Scotia for the last 20 years. Today they have grown to взято отсюда more than youth each year through eight programs in Halifax, Sipekne'katik and Membertou First Nation. LOVE works with youth aged 12 to 18, who are intelligent, caring and full of potential but who come to LOVE when they are disenfranchised, unhappy or hurt.

LOVE supports them through programs and healthy relationships that build emotional intelligence and help them find the right skills to overcome the challenges they face in their personal life. LOVE is also unique in that each youth has access to a youth worker and a registered social worker 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Furthermore, LOVE's program helps participants emerge with greater resilience, heightened skills, and dau to be inspirational leaders in all aspects of their lives.

Many of them remain involved in the program into their 20s, which is a testament to the success of its programs and workers. Jody Thibodeau, a year-old athlete from Clare, was so excited about the opportunity to go to the National Special Canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you Games.

He has been involved in this organization's competitions for over 16 years, competing in both bowling and bocce, and competing in bowling at the National Games. His participation in this and other competitions is possible only because of the support of his coaches and his family as well as the countless other volunteers involved in this movement.

I love their commitment to enriching the lives of these special people uunblocked the hopes they realize the impact that this will have on their athletes - an impact not limited to training and support. When discussing his upcoming trip to Thunder Bay, Jody was especially excited about becoming friends with his fellow team and Team Nova Scotia as well as взято отсюда from across Canada.

Though he did not return home with xay medal, he returned home with great memories and many friendships formed with folks who were with him at the Games. When I divorced, they were 4 and 9; when I was elected, they were 9 and Two weeks ago my son turned 18; dxy my daughter turns She graduates from university this year, and my son starts in September, so I guess I will be an empty nester - footloose and fancy-free. Laughter Possibly. This morning my colleague for Sydney River-Mira-Louisbourg showed me a video of his newborn baby and daughter, and his daughter is so sweet, kissing him good morning through Facetime.

I'm reminded that now my children ask me, "When is my income tax done? I just want to give them a shout-out because they have never given me any difficulties - never. I'm not sure that their father and I deserve to have them, but I love them dearly and I thank them from the bottom of my heart читать больше allowing me to do this job. The Нажмите чтобы узнать больше brothers читать by their life's work honestly.


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Kamloops baby has MainzerSaldino syndrome, a disorder so rare there are only about 20 known cases. Excludes Applicable Taxes.

Halston used to be known as Mytton, who was manager of B. A National News. A25 Sports. A31 Boogie Canada day 2022 events vancouver canucks Bridge. A37 Classifieds. A42 Entertainment. Switchboard Classifieds Classifieds Fax Circulation classifieds kamloopsthisweek. The B. NDP government is playing canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you last cards in an effort to have a say in the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, bringing a reference case to the B.

Court of Appeal by April Court of Appeal is the highest court in the province, but Attorney General David Eby did not say how long it would take to get a ruling. Fourteen previous court challenges to Trans Mountain having been rejected by courts. Dubbed Picnics Not Pipelines, organizers say the event is a musical celebration of imagining community regeneration without pipelines.

The concert will run from 11 a. Featured will be speeches from Union of B. The concert is intended to be a zero-waste event. More than half of British Columbians say the provincial government should give in and allow the Trans Mountain pipeline project to move forward, a new poll suggests.

The survey, released on Wednesday by the Angus Reid Institute, says this is the first time that most B. A February poll had found 48 per cent in favour. Nationwide, 65 per cent of respondents said they support the pipeline and that B.

Citing protests from B. Join your neighbourhood association and the City to meet your neighbours, learn about your neighbourhood association, and discuss topics that are important to your neighbourhood. If you live in any other area of North Kamloops or in Dufferin, Dallas, Knutsford, Rayleigh, or Upper Sahali, your neighbourhood does not currently have an active association.

Do you want to start one? Attend one of these canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you to learn more! Notice to Motorists For traffic details, follow kammute on Facebook and Twitter. Please use caution and obey all traffic основываясь на этих данных devices and traffic control people in work zones.

Business and pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the project, and the bus stop north of the intersection will not be affected. A detour route is recommended via 7th Street. Buses will be rerouted down 7th Street for the duration of the project.

River Road Construction will be starting the week of April River Road will be open to local traffic only as of April Please use alternate routes when possible. Lansdowne Street Construction Between 3rd and 4th Avenues The majority of the work will take place during the day, from Monday to Friday, with the possibility of some weekend and evening work. Anticipated hours of work will be am pm. Access to businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Spring Line Painting The City will be commencing the annual spring line painting program in April and will continue until approximately the end of June.

New forthe coupons feature more options:. Bring your family and friends to this FREE event. On April 28, am pm, Sandman Centre will be filled with exhibitors who support energy efficiency, healthy living, alternative transportation, and more. There will also be a full lineup of speakers on topics from electric vehicles to tree selection to sustainable pet ownership. See a full list of speakers at kamloops.

Visit kamloops. The BC Wildfire Service is preparing to handle the rigours of an intense wildfire season with a better trained pool of contracted firefighters at the ready and more СУПЕР, usajobs resume builder free gamestop - usajobs resume builder free gamestop каком information officers.

The wildfire service is bringing in Type 2 contracted fire crews, who are trained to a higher standard than usual for that class, fire information officer Ryan Turcot told KTW. The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System has released its latest seasonal forecast, predicting that most of the southern half of B.

Despite the forecast, the wildfire service is not bringing in any more of its own Type 1 firefighters than it deployed last year, which was about 1, people. The wildfire service is, however, bringing in more communication officers to ensure a more constant flow of information.

The wildfire service is still waiting on recommendations canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you in a forthcoming independent fire season report led by former B. Liberal cabinet minister George Abbott, which the province commissioned. In the meantime, resource placement is ramping up across the province. The number of air tanker groups will also be the same as last year, with the first of eight landing in Williams Lake by the end of April.

Air tanker groups consist of a bird dog and between one and four air tanker planes and are generally placed in areas they might be needed the earliest. Two air tanker groups will be placed at Kamloops Airport in May and all the planes for the wildfire season will be in place by the end of June.

The BC Wildfire Service has 16 air tankers and eight bird-dog aircraft on узнать больше здесь contracts. Here are a few tips: 1. These techniques can oftentimes prevent an accident. Нажмите для продолжения, not all accidents are preventable. If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our Personal Injury Team for a free consultation. We make the process as easy as possible, taking care of your legal needs, while you focus on your recovery.

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Expires April 30, Police are searching for a man who stole personal items from an unlocked locker at the Tournament Capital Centre on April 9. The items taken include a black and white gym bag, brown hiking boots and a black wallet with identification and bank cards in it, said RCMP Cpl.

Jodi Shelkie. The suspect is described as being a white man of medium build with short brown hair. He was spotted on security camera carrying a black duffel bag.

Shelkie said the TCC is likely the largest space with lockers open to the public in Kamloops, noting there are many thefts at the facility. Do you recognize this man? He is a person of interest in connection with an April 9 theft at the TCC.

Shelkie said the theft was a preventable crime, noting most cases involve unlocked lockers. Last fall, the city added more coin-operated lockers and smaller coin-operated mini-lockers for wallets, phones and keys to its inventory at the TCC. He said private security was also hired last year to conduct random checks of the locker rooms, посетить страницу источник noting security cameras installed last year have helped identify suspected thieves.

If a canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you is found unlocked or containing something that would be of interest to a thief, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a phone call with tips on combatting auto crime.

She said thieves will often check hundreds of vehicle doors in an evening, looking for an easy score, which is why vehicle owners should lock the doors and place valuables either in their trunks or in their homes. Lessons designed for those looking to take up the game or sharpen their skills. Golf lessons covering full swing, chipping, putting, sand play, basic rules and etiquette. Take home instruction notes included. FREE Practice time before and after each lesson.

The first steps are being taken toward an expensive overhaul of a Kamloops high school well over its capacity of students. The first item in the letter is a request for a report on proposed renovations and expansions at Valleyview secondary, which is at per cent of capacity this year. The government has asked to have the report returned by November, setting the stage for a potential funding commitment in early There are eight portables in use at the school this year, which is projected to be operating at per cent capacity by The district, using a demographics mapping program that forecasts growth based on birth читать статью, family allowance and child-tax benefits, among other information, has predicted overall enrolment, now just over 14, will increase to about 15, by and grow to about 15, by Looking at the next five years, the district estimates it will need to add 35 more classroom spaces among 17 city elementary schools and two canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked youtuber - canada day vancouver island 2048 unblocked you schools.

The report said this will нажмите чтобы перейти done by repurposing classrooms now used for other purposes or adding portables. Kamloops Regional Farmers Market Society www. In other words, the outlook for this summer mirrors what was anticipated heading into the summer of But we can canada list the vast majority of wildfires because they are human-caused.

Air tankers are on the way to Kamloops Airport.



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Remind me in September. Email address Set my reminder. Join our mailing list to receive a daily email with all of our top stories. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Keep me in the loop. Also ady PM. Quebec reelects Premier Francois Legault for second majority term.

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